Molina Baptist Church
Love, Grow, Serve, Go

Welcome To Molina Baptist

Stronger Together
Love, Grow, Serve, Go
You are welcome here.
53039 KE Rd.  Molina, Colorado
PO Box 70, Molina, Colorado 81646
Join Us on Sundays:
8:45 am Contemporary or 11:00 am Traditional
Breakfast and Sunday School Immediately following early service.
Welcome new visitors! Let us take a minute to introduce some of the faces you will see serving faithfully at Molina Baptist.
 Pastor – Mike Wetzig
Church Board
Shane Walter – Chair
Bobby Boe – Vice Chair
Bob Bridges-Sec.
Charlori Slade – Treas.
Jason Arthur
Ken Bailey
Jim Carnahan
Worship Leaders 8:45 am
Jason Arthur
Erin Arthur
Ken Bailey
Louise Terpstra
Anna Walter
Worship Leaders 11:00 am
Bob Bridges
Tania Carroll
Linda Hittle
Kathleen Holmes
Anna Walter
Sunday School Teachers
Bob Bridges
Dave Bristol
Rachel Schowalter
Bryan Slade
Charlori Slade
Anna Walter
Vanessa Wiederhoeft
Leigh Wetzig
Pastor Mike Wetzig

Follow us on Social Media

Church is not a building. We extend God’s love to our community and online through all our social media channels.

Stay Connected

Serving & Getting Involved

Sunday School 10:10 
Adults, Young Adults, 6th-8th, 1st-5th, Prek-K.  All ages welcome!
Wednesdays 4:15-6 p.m
. 970-210-2995
Transportation from PV available after school 
Teen Nights
Sunday nights are the time for young adults to gather       5:30- 7pm at MBC.
6th-12th grade
welcome here!
(every other week)
Join us the first week in June for Vacation Bible School. Children ages 4yrs-6th grade are welcome! 
Bridges -Middle East
Spanish Missions
Men’s Group
Fight Club
  1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 6:30 pm 
Join us for Promise Keepers too!
Ladies’ Bible Study
 in MBC Youth Center
Call for new schedule
The Edge and College Age Group
Fridays 6-9pm
Call Pastor Mike for further details.
Praise for 5 Christmas Eve Baptisms
 Camp 2023
Hwy 330 Spring Trash Pick-Up

Feeding Hungry kids this summer.

Peanut Butter and Jelly for Kids for the summer.


AWANAs 2023


AWANA T and T 2023

Sparks 2023





Visit MBC This Sunday

Molina Baptist Church
Physical Address:
53039 KE Road
PO Box 70
Molina, Colorado 81646
Phone: 970-268-5810
Contact Us